Come and Sing Spem in Alium Online
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Come and Sing Spem in Alium Online

  • Saturday 21st November 2020
  • 2:30pm
  • London

Concert Details

Please come and join us online for a Come and Sing focussing on Thomas Tallis’s 40-part Spem in Alium led by Vasari Conductor Jeremy Backhouse.

Information for Singers

Date: Saturday 21 November 2020 Time: 1430-1530 GMT (UTC)
Repertoire: Spem in Alium – concentrating on choirs 1 and 2


The music for Spem in Alium – choirs 1 and 2 is available by clicking on this link


The key to this type of session is for the participants to sing at home with microphones muted. Jeremy will play a recording of Spem in Alium and conduct in time to it and we will sing. The effect to you at home is of singing along with everyone else. The great advantage is that everyone joining can be in the same choir for Spem as all the parts are represented on the recording and you won’t hear anyone else. So Jeremy has decided to concentrate on working on choir 1 and 2 music and you can choose which part you would like to be from choirs 1 and 2. If you would like to look at the full score and sing any other part when we run the whole thing then of course you may, but Jeremy will only be doing detailed rehearsal for choirs 1 and 2.

The online sign-up is now closed but you can still sign up by email until midday GMT on Saturday 21 November. If you would like to join the session, please email :


• Please join the call at any time after 2pm GMT and in good time before the Come & Sing starts at 2.30pm • Once you have clicked on the zoom link, you may be held in a Waiting Room for a few minutes • You might find it easier to have the score on a separate screen / hard copy to the Come & Sing • Please make sure your device is charged or plugged in, and that it can be ‘hands free’. • Please do not record the session in any way, (although screen shots are welcome for your social media). We may make a short recording of part of the session so that we can use this on our social media. We will let you know when this is happening and you will have the chance to turn your camera off if you would rather not be shown. • Please silence all alerts on your device, and make sure your phone is on silent (like a ‘normal’ rehearsal! (remember those?))


Zoom is an online video conferencing platform that is used to host many different types of meetings. This session is provided securely and free of charge.
How do I get Zoom?
For the best user experience during the Come & Sing, we would recommend that you download the Zoom application on to your computer. You can download the application by visiting on either Windows or macOS.
If you have any issues with downloading the application, you can also:
• Download an app from the app store on your mobile phone or tablet (Android or iOS)
• Access Zoom online in your internet browser (e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari)
You do not need to make an account with Zoom to participate.
When you launch Zoom, you will see a box. Click ‘Join a Meeting’
You will now be in a virtual ‘waiting room’. This is an extra level of security, to ensure only people who registered can access the Come & Sing.
You will be admitted into the main room prior to the start of the session.
At the end of the Come & Sing, click the red ‘Leave’ on the screen.
If you have further questions, you can visit the Zoom website, where there are user guides and videos available:
